Directions to my St. George Office: 314 River Road
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
Coming from the South: Travel Route One through Main Street, Thomaston. You come to a traffic light at Route 131 South to St. George. Turn right at the light (The Montpelier Museum is on your right) and travel a total of nearly 8 miles. When you see Junction 73, continue on Route 131, 2.5 miles further. Route 131 is River Road in St. George. The office is in a green house on your right with 314 on the mailbox post. There is a sign in front of the office (Therapeutic Massage, Kristine Anderson). park in driveway.
Coming from the North: If you are from Rockland, travel Route One to Route 131 South to St. George and follow the directions as above once you turn down 131. If you are North of Rockland, take Route One to Old County Road just passed the Pen Bay Hospital. Veer to the right just before the next light and continue on Old County Road, through the traffic light until you reach Route One again in Thomaston. Make a right on Route One and then a left at the next light and travel down Route 131 South and follow the directions from above going down the penninsula.
Directions to my Camden Office: 1 Country Way
Monday and Thursday
Coming from the South: Travel Route One to Camden. Make a left onto John Street, two streets after Hannaford's on the left. Travel to the stop sign (Methodist Church on the left and PAWS Animal Shelter on the right) and go straight through the four corners. Make the first left onto Country Way. Drive to the first driveway on the left and my office is in the building on the left.
Coming from the North: Travel Route One to Camden. Travel through Main Street Camden and you will pass Reny's Department Store and TD Bank on your right. Continue a little further and make a right on John Street which is right before the Subway Restaurant. Travel to the stop sign (Medthodist Church on the left and PAWS Animal Shelter on the right) and go straight through the four corners. Make the first left onto Country Way. Drive to the first driveway on the left and my office is in the building on the left.